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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-335

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EVENING CLASSES 333 marks in the final Examination in Law and Jurisprudence and in special Examination in portion of some legal work to be selected by the Professor in or before the last week in November The successful competitor will have the option of receiving the Prize wholly in law books or half in law books and half in cash II Prize of Law Books given by Messrs Stevens and Sons Law Publishers of Chancery Lane will be awarded to the Student who obtains the second largest aggregate number of such marks as aforesaid No Student who is on Feb 1st 1877 Barrister or Solicitor can take these Prizes nor will either of them be awarded to any Student who has gained special Law Prize in preceding Session nor unless three-fourths of the allotted marks be obtained in both the General and Special Examinations 31 SHORTHAND Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to This Class is intended to impart thorough knowledge of Shorthand to the extent of ready corresponding and ver- batim reporting The system taught is Phonography which is based upon the principles of representing spoken sounds by specific signs and like sounds by like signs practical knowledge of this system is easily and rapidly acquired The Class Books are the Phonographic Teacher and Manual 32 ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS If any number of Gentlemen not less than Ten shall wish for instruction in any other subject arrangements will be made if possible to meet their wishes
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