Calendar: 1876-1877 Page 334
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332 EVENING CLASSES 30 LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE Bay and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to The following subjects will be discussed during the Course The present and probable future of the Law relating to Trade Marks -This Lecture will be Free to all persons in- terested in the subject It Evidence generally III Presumptions Admissions and Confessions IV Documentary Evidence Conveyancing Purchase Deeds Settlements Wills &c VI Trusts and Trustees VII Executors and Administrators VIIL Bankers Factors Brokers and Carriers IX The relation of Solicitor and Client Legal Remedies XI The Statutes of Limitation and the Law against Perpetuities XII Civil Actions XIII Criminal Trials XIV Arbitration XV The Legal Profession SPECIAL PEIZES Prize of 51 5s given by Professor Cutler will be awarded at the close of the Winter Session to the Student who shall have obtained the largest aggregate number of
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