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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-331

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EVENING CLASSES 329 review of the whole Animal Kingdom is taken during the Winter and Summer Sessions The Sub-kingdoms Classes Orders &c of the Invertebrate and Vertebrata are defined and characterised The Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the different organs and structures of the body are discussed in detail Besides the collection and diagrams contained in the Museum of the College large series of fresh specimens is employed to illustrate the lectures 27 LOGIC Bay and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to Definitions and History-Use Method and Relation of the Science to others-Elementary Parts of Mental Science- Forms of Thought- Language in its Relation to Thought- Terms-The Predicables Νominatism and Realism-Logical Division and Definition-Propositions-Quantification of the Predicate Causation-Induction-Syllogism- Moods and Figures- Secondary Forms of Syllogism-Hypothetical Reasoning-Circumstantial and Chain Evidence-Fallacies- Analysis Text Book Jevons' Elementary Lessons in Logic 28 POLITICAL ECONOMY Bay and Hour of Attendance-Friday from The Tooke Professor will deliver Course of sixteen or seventeen Lectures on the Definition and Economical Place of the following terms Capital and Labour II Production and Exchange III Rent IV Exchange and Currency
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