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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-328

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326 EVENING CLASSES XII Reflection of Light from Plane and Curved Surfaces The Heliostat Caustics formed by Reflection Refraction of Light Total Reflection Atmo- spheric Refraction Prisms XIII Measure of Indices of Refraction Lenses Compo- sition of White Light The Solar Spectrum The Oxy-hydrogen Light The Electric Light XIV Spectra of Incandescent Solids Liquids and Gases Absorption of Light Constitution of the Sun and of various Fixed Stars Heat Light and Chemical Spectra XV Emission of Light The Origin of Colour in Bodies Optical Instruments The Eye and Vision Irra- diation XVI Transformations of Radiations Phosphorescence Change produced by Heat Fluorescence Chemi- cal Effects of Light Photography physical laboratory Class for practical work in Heat Light Electricity and Magnetism will be formed in connection with the Evening Classes provided at least twelve Students present them- selves The Fees will be Ā£3 3s for the Course This sum will cover all expenses 24 MINERALOGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Thursday from to The Course will commence with description of the Physical and Chemical characters of Minerals in General Physical -Crystallization Cleavage Fracture Frangibi- lity Hardness Lustre Colour Flexibility Double Refraction Touch Taste Odour Streak Powder Adhesion to the Tongue Magnetic and Electric Properties Phosphorescence Specific Gravity
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