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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-325

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EVENING CLASSES 323 22 STRUCTURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY Bay and Hour of Attendance-Friday from to The object of this Course is to give general sketch of the structure andfunctious of Plants It is adapted as far as possible to meet the requirement of Candidates for Degrees in the University of London Part -Structural Botany Introductory Remarks on the Objects of Botanical Science -Definition of Plant-General Sketch of the Organs of Plants and of the Characters of the different Classes in tbe Vegetable Kingdom Elementary Structure of Plants -Cells Fibres Vessels Epidermal Tissue and its Appendages-Compound Organs divisible into Nutritive and Reproductive-Development of Plant from the Embryo Of the Nutritive Organs -1 The Boot Annual Biennial and Perennial Roots Epiphytic and Parasitic Plants The Stem General Characters of-Buds-Pro- cesses of Budding Grafting Layering &c -External Modi- fications of the Stem-Internal Structure-Age and Size of Trees-Mode of ascertaining their Age TheLeaf General Characters and Structure II Of the Reproductive Organs -Preliminary Observations -Bract or Floral Leaf-Inflorescence-The Flower and its Parts Calyx Corolla Andrcecium Gynoecium Fruit and Seed Part II -Physiological Botany Functions of the Nutritive Organs -Food of Plant Ap- plications of in Agriculture and Horticulture Function of Absorption Practical application of its knowledge in Trans- planting Trees &c -Distribution of Fluid Matters through the Plant or Circulation χ
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