Calendar: 1876-1877 Page 273
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 271 XXVIII List nf those who hate filled the Offices Phvsician's Assistant Physician- Accoucheur's Assistant and House Surgeon at King's College Hospital For those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendar fur 1865-6 1565- 1866 1866 1566- 1867 1867 1867- 1868 1868 1868- 1869 1869 1869- 1870 1870 1870- 1871 1871 1871- 1872 1872 1872- 1873 1873 1873- 1874 1874 1871-1875 1875 1875-1876 1876 Physician's Assistant Kelly Phllpot Fenn Smith Shingleton Richards Baiter Ε Β Baxter Ε Β Curnow John Cotterill Pritcliard Hayes Parsons Warner Birch Κ Philpot Η Bomford Homan Balterbury Moore Birch Philip Hebb Fowler Howells Thomas Bradshawe Welch Trevor Α Τ Willcox King Napner McGill Milles Whitmore Rope Roche Ε Cross Rose Rae William Duncan Barrow De Latitour Hebb Fowler Footner Ground Physician Accoucheur's Assistant Welch Kelly Harding Todd Mannings Rowling Pedler Cotterill Beach Fletcher Vachell Baumgartner Briggs Chapman Eardley-Wilmot ן Morrell Spencer Nicholson Hutchings Birch Philip Cooke Ε Young Briggs Η Hebb
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