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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-118

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116 general literature and science The Lectures iu the various Departments of the College include all the subjects of Examination see the Prospectus and Calendar of the College and will be attended by the Students according to their requirements In addition to these Special Classes will be formed for additional instruction in the English Language and Literature in Modern Languages and in such branches of Science as the Examination may in- elude The Lectures in Classics and Mathematics will also be supplemented by extra teaching In these Classes the teaching will be carefully adapted to the scope of the Examination In the English subjects special practice will be given in writing Essays and Examination Papers Each Candidate will receive such advice and direction as he may require in his work fram the Tutor Mr George Warr Classical Lecturer in the College Students are admitted to the College from the age of six- teen and upwards and may thus have three years special training for the Examination if necessary Students availing themselves of this Special Course will pay 20 guineas per Term exclusive of the usual College Entrance fee of £4 5s 6d This sum will cover all the Classes which any Student may require to attend Any one of the Special Classes may be attended by any Matriculated Student on payment of fee of £2 2s The next Course will begin ou Thursday October but new Students are expected to attend at about 11 on Tuesday October Letters addressed to Warr Esq King's College London ou the subject of these Classes will receive early attention -The rules as to the Examination for the Indian Civil Service for 1877 were issued on August 12 1876 too late for insertion here but will be found in an Appendix page 037
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