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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1876-1877-117

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general literature and science 115 Drawing For the Modern Division only Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday from to Ornament and ornamental forms in outline also shaded in pencil crayon and sepia from copies Model Drawing from geometric forms without instruments also from casts of ornament in relief natural objects the human figure the antique in pencil crayon and mono- chrome Landscape Drawing -Sketching and painting from copies in pencil sepia water-colour and oil Drawing and Painting from Nature -Flowers and other natural objects still life &c as groups for composition in crayon monochrome water colour and oil colour and as studies of colour IV INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE Special Tutor Warr It has been announced that Candidates for admission to the Indian Civil Service must be under nineteen years of age instead of twenty-one as heretofore and the lowest limit of age will be seventeen The first Examination under the above regulation will be held in July 1878 The Council of King's College have made arrangements for Special Course of Study adapted to this Examination and they have appointed Tutor to direct and supervise the training of Students in this Department η
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