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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-86

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Page content

theological department CT Ci1l0frtcal Department The object in view in this Department of King's College is to provide system of sound Theological Instruction for the large and important class of young men who propose to offer themselves as Candidates for Holy Orders This Department is under the immediate superintendence of the Principal and the course of teaching includes the following subjects Dogmatic Theology and The Rev Barry Evidences Principal Exegesis of the New Tes- Re Ε Plumptre lament Professor iliev Stanley Leathes Professor Rev M'Caul Lec- tu rer fRev Henry Wace Ecclesiastical History Professor Pastoral and Liturgical Rcv SamuelChf tham Theology Professor Rev VV Watkins Theological Tutor's Class ק Theory and Practice of Focal Church Music M0NK- Professor Public Reading ev DOrsey Lecturer Professor Laws of Health and Dis-Λ IW Guy Cantab ease their Relation to the ζ Ministerial Office The appointments of the Professors and Lecturers in Divinity are made with the consent of the Lord Bishop of
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