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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-642

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Page content

038 INDEX page Tamil and Telugu- Fees 11 Hours of Attendance 118 Tanner Prize- Endowment 68 Regulations 227 Prizemen 262 Theological Department- Professors' Names 82 Instruction given 82 Rules of Admission 83 Rules as to Graduates 84 Examinations Certificates 84 Books recommended 87 Terms and Fees 92 Time Table 94 Studentships 95 Associateship 9J Hoods 96 Greek Testament Prize 96 Hebrew and Old Test Prize 97 Wordsworth Prize 98 Leitner Prize 98 Candidates tor Admission 99 Theological Society 100 Names of those who passed last year 100 Names of Students 101 Names ofCand forAdmissiou 102 Theo'oglcal Society- Rules 100 Todd Prize- Endowment 226 Names ot Prizemen 257 Tooke Professorship- Endowment 67 Regulations 119 Treasurer of the College 19 Trench Greek Testament Prize- Endowment 67 Rules 96 Names of Prizemen 97 page University of London 271 Universitv Distinctions-- Oxford 443 Cambridge 444 London 446 Vocal Music- Fees 93 Hours of Attendance 94 Warneford Prizes- Endowment 66 Rules 225 List of Prizemen 257 Warneford Scholarships- Endowment 67 Rules 228 List of Scholars 258 Whitworth Scholars- Names of 453 Whitworth Exhibitions- Rules 174 Wordsworth Prize- Rules of 98 Workshop Morning Class- Instruction 161 Regulations 163 Fees 168 Hours of Attendance 170 Workshop Evening Class- Instruction 342 Fees 344 Hours 344 Worsley Scholarships- Endowment 66 Regulations 121 List of Scholars 128 Writing Evening Class- Instruction 306 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Zoology See Comparative Anatomy
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