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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-641

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Page content

INDEX 637 page Professors and Masters Namesof- Theological Department 82 General Lit Department 103 Engineering Department Ml Medical Department 194 Evening Classes 290 The School 368 Proprietors List of 473 Psychological Medicine- Instruction 204 Public Reading &c MorningClass-- Fees 93 Hours of Attendance 94 Public Reading &c Evening Class- Lectures 326 Fees 32 Hours of Attendance 332 Public Health Theol Dep Fees Hours ot Attendance 94 Residence of Students- In College 95 427 In Private Families 43' Pupilsof School 3S3 Rules for Students 80 Sambrooke Registrarships- Endowment 68 Regulations 235 Duties 252 Names of Regi trars 261 Sanscrit- Fees 117 Hoursof Attendance 118 Scholars Names of- Worsley 128 Gen Lit and Science 128 Inglis 129 402 Engineering Department 185 Warneford 258 Daniell Medical 260 School 401 Forest 402 Scholarships Endowed- Worsley 66 121 Inglis 67 122 387 Warneford 228 Daniell 234 Forest 387 Scholarships Annual- Medical 237 School 388 School King's College- Masters' Names 368 General Arrangements 369 Natural Science 371 page School continued Chemistry 372 Workshop 372 Gymnasium 373 Special Classes 37 Rules as to Admission 376 Genera Rule 377 Dining Hall &c 379 Vacations Examinations 380 Fees 381 Use of Books Residence of Pupils 383 Regulations as to the Coll 385 Scholarships 386 Exhibitions 389 Annual Prizes 390 Terminal Prize 398 Choral Exhibitioners 400 Rite of Confirmation 401 Scholars Names of 401 Prizes to whom given 403 Names of Pupils 416 Schools in Union- Regulations and Privileges 498 Prizemen 499 Science Exhibition- Rules 172 227 Shares former Holders of 4Θ8 Present Holders of 473 Shorthand Evening Class- Lectures 329 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Society of Apothecaries- Rules of 286 Society of Fine Arts- Silver Mednl 178 Spanish Evening Class- Lectures 4יי3י Fees 32 Hours of Attendance 332 Special Donation Fund- Fir Appeal 70 Second 75 Stephen Prize- Endowment 67 Regulations 126 Students' Boxes for Gowns &c 432 Surgeons College of 279 Surgery- Lectures 201 Fees 216 Hours of Attendance 217 Surveying and vellin Set Land Surveyng
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