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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-638

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Page content

INDEX page German Literature and History- Lectures 297 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Gilbart Lectures- Endowment 68 Regulations 120 Lectures 309 old Medal for Mathematics 125 Governors Names of 18 Greek Morning Class- Lectures 106 Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 118 Greek Evening Class- Lectures 294 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Gymnasium 373 Head Master's Exhibitions 389 Hebrew Morning Class- Fees 93 Hours of Attendance 94 Hebrew Evening Class- Lectures 304 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Hindustani- Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 118 History Morning Class- Lectures 108 Fees Π7 Hours of Attendance 118 History Evening Class- Lectures 302 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Honorary Fellows 434 Honours gained by former Pupils- University of Oxford 443 University of Cambridge 444 University of London 446 Indian Services 453 Hoods Theological Department 96 House Surgeons- Regulations 251 Names of 263 Hospital King's College- Staff 194 Officers and Committee 206 Fees for Students 217 Hours of Attendance 221 page Hygiene- Lectures 22 י Fees 210 Inglis Scholarships Endowment 67 Rules 122 387 Subjects of Examination 123 Names of Scholars 129 402 Italian Morning Class- Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 113 Italian Evening Class- Lectures 303 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 James Easton Prize- Conditions 176 Jelf Prizes- Endowment 68 Rules 125 176 226 335 390 King's College London- General account of 79 Rules for Students SO Laboratory Chemical 210 Land Surveyingand Levelling- Instruction 152 Fees 168 Hours of Attendance 170 Latin Morning Class- Lectures 106 Fees 117 Hours pf Attendance 118 Latin Evening Class- Lectures 294 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Law Commercial Evening Course- Syllabus 307 Fees 329 Hoursof Attendance 332 Law Jurisprud Evening Class- Lectures 327 Fees 329 Hours of Attendance 332 Leathes Prize- Endowment 66 Rules 224 List of Prizemen 256 Legacies- List of 66 Form for 69 Leitner Prize 98
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