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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-632

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G28 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Give short description of the process by which glycerine is obtained and explain the chemical principle upon which it depends liquid is found on analysis to contain 77 per cent of carbon per cent of hydrogen and 15 per cent of nitrogen The specific gravity of its vapour referred to hydrogen is 46 Deduce its empirical and rational formulae and give its com- mercial and scientific names XII -fHaterta fHrtlka anU CljtrapeuttcS Give full account of carbolic acid including its prepara- tion chemical properties mode of action and uses What is meant by the physiological antagonism" of remedies Illustrate your answer by examples Enumerate the officinal compounds and preparations of the following substances giving the dose of every one of them arsenic phosphorus copper zinc Describe the effects produced by the nitrite of amyl What are its medicinal uses JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS XIII -anatotm Describe the ethmoid bone and its articulations Describe tbe process of ossification in the humerus and os innominatum -No microscopical details are required Give an account of the articulations of the seventh rib and its cartilage with the vertebrae and sternum respectively and describe their movements How do the articulations of the first seventh and twelfth ribs differ Describe the adult virgin uterus and its appendages Give the attachments and actions of the short muscles of the thumb Enumerate the muscles which would be seen on removal of tbe gluteus maxitnus Point out their actions and state precisely how these are limited
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