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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-630

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626 medical department VIII -Surgical Clinical 33ri Write from memory the particulars of four cases two from the practice of Professor Sir Fergusson and two from the practice of Professor Wood which have been treated in the Hospital during the present Winter Session 1874-75 You may select your cases Give an abstract of one of Sir William Fergusson's Clinical Lectures during the present Winter Session Two cases of iliac abscess are under Sir William Fergusson's care at this date Give the particulars regarding the history and treatment of each State the usual causes which induce the surgeon to perform perineal section and give illustrations from cases treated during the Session by Sir William Fergusson Give the substance of Professor Wood's-Clinical Lecture on Diffused Urinary Abscess delivered December 1874 Describe the case of William Champion set 14 who was in the Albert Ward of the Hospital from November 25 1874 to January 1875 fracture of the humerus under Professor Wood Describe the case of George Potts ajt 61 who was in the Fisk Ward from October 15 to'November 13 1874 haema- cele under Professor Wood In both the cases the condition of the patient on his discharge to be given in detail SECOND YEAR SCHOLARSHIP IX 3natonu Describe fully the air-cavities of the cranium and point out the bones that enter into their formation tbe differences that exist in the dried and recent condition and in young and adult crania Describe the dissection which would be necessary to expose that portion of the thoracic duct which is above the arch of the aorta Mention its relations and office
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