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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-628

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624 MEDICAL DEPARTMENI eructated clear fluid having an acid taste The fond was sometimes vomited On one occasion six months before her death she became suddenly faint and was compelled to lie down After the faintness had continued for about ten minutes she vomited about two pints of dark clotted blood After this attack she was for several weeks very pallid and suffered from shortness of breath and palpitation on exertion Six months after the vomiting of blood she was suddenly seized about an hour after dinner with intense pain at the epigastrium which became rapidly diffused over tbe whole abdomen She vomited some of her partially digested dinner the skin became cold and clammy the pulse rapid small and very feeble She died eighteen hours alter the onset of the pain retaining her consciousness to the last Explain the symptoms which occurred at different periods of this case Describe the post-mortem appearances What treatment would be suitable first for the pain &c in the earlier periods of the case second for the haemorrhage and third during the last fatal seizure jfortnStr fHrtltriiif Describe the various tests you would employ in order to ascertain whether in suspected case of infanticide the child had been born alive How would you distinguish between real and apparent death Give the symptoms post-mortem appearances fatal dose and means of detection of acute poisoning by phosphorus Describe the symptoms of poisoning by curara How does it act Explain why it does not cause poisoning when taken by the stomach VI bstttric iHtHtcme State what you know of the causes varieties terminations prognosis and treatment of extra-uterine foetation
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