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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-627

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 623 Hospital with drainage tube still in the abscess discharging an ounce of pus or so daily After fortnight be again returned with swelling little below and outside of the right nipple in which an opening had formed day or two before and dis- charged few tablespoonfuls of matter small quantity of matter still passed through the tube An ordinary probe passed into tbis opening went directly backward to its full extent The patient was then looking paler and thinner than when he was discharged from the ward of the Hospital His cough also was more troublesome State fully your diagnosis of this case Give the pathology of the disease its origin and progress the method of treatment you would pursue and the probable results of the case Ill- fHtUktne Illustrate your answers by reference to cases which have occurred in the Hospital during tlie past Winter Session Give the chief exciting causes of epileptic convulsions and mention any facts which throw light upon tbe proximate cause of these convulsions Describe minutely the "small red granular kidney and the chief structural changes in other tissues and organs after death from this form of disease Mention the chief causes of the disease the various modes in which it may destroy life and the treatment which you would adopt Describe the usual course of case of acute pneumonia in previously healthy subject and mention the treatment to be ×™ pursued Mention the chief causes of hoarseness and aphonia the diagnostic signs of each and the treatment IV -Commtntiiri 011 Case tu iHrttant housemaid aged 23 had at intervals for two years suf- fered from pain at the epigastrium and tbe pain was often in- creased but sometimes relieved by taking food She often
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