Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 623
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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 619 bu iminrr uin ifjn frirt mujjt 5D ir fonimt f6 fremb Dot ba ίφ bcit ίciφtcreπ ίία ίάπί "φ η ienft geroobnt bin Sin Srcuf unb cf 0rfam bin ίφ bfr atte abet ίφ babe inir δαβ Ba wa en unb diaifonntrrn angcroobnt 3b nwgt alle unb lafjt f8 πιφ nic wofyl fein cr crsog glricbt niic cittern ebcrnen ufjmrm ofjne forte rooju bie SScfa&ung Sliigcl ijdtte ggmont laubft bu bafj bu fie due πτΗφ τ' tt ir brt man ηίφί ί Ιίφ bafj bic gu fie ic unb bai in fie au8 bnn Sanbe treibt ic Olcic ficn irerben tfjre iitcr Γιφ ifjte jlinber unb grcunbe flmfytcn bet Slrme wirb feine niife en anbe bem 5ίαφ6 Γ jubringen II Retranslate the following sentences into German know you and your fidelity Everyone feels the ardent desire to save him to restore freedom to the freest man Take this sword said Egmont it has far more frequently defended the king's cause than protected my own breast The king sent me here in the hope to meet with the assistance of the nobility Unfortunately your words justify the fear of the people the common fear Not every intention is evident and the intention of many man may be misconstrued III Grammatical questions In how many ways is the plural of substantives formed Give examples and mention some nouns which are used in the singular only and others which have only plural form How are proper names of persons and places declined in German Give examples
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