Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 612
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608 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS Draw out from St John's Gospel our Lord's teaching as to the Holy Spirit Is the word Comforter correct translation of Παράτλτ τοί Into what main sections can the history of the Acts be divided Show from it what were the main characteristics and subjects of the earliest Christian preaching Give brief account of the first planting of the Gospel in Europe and history of the growth of Christianity at Ephesus as recorded in the Acts On what occasions and from what point of view is the word Christian used became all things to all men that might by all means have some Illustrate this saying of St I'aul by reference to his discourses to Jews and Gentiles as given in the Acts What were the different natures and principle of the various persecutions there recorded Ill-frailer Jsnofe What Service books in Latin and English were in use before the Reformation To what extent was our Prayer Book compiled from them What parts of it were published before 1549 What principles guided its compilers Note briefly the causes objects and actual eff cts of the various revisions from 1552 to 1662 inclusive What other revision was proposed Give brief analysis of the Te Deum and compare it with the Gloria in Bxcelsis What are as the General Exhortation declares the chief elements of worship Show how they are contained in our Morning Service How far is the Litany complete Service Compare the Communion Service of 1549 with our present form Which is the oldest portion of our existing Service What are the Occasional Services of the Church of England Show how they cover the whole ot Christian life
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