Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 595
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ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES 591 In which instances may the auxiliary verbs fyafcen and fein be omitted in German How is the partitive genitive expressed in German When is the English infinitive translated into German by the Supine and when by the simple infinitive Department of engineering an& gipplirii Soct'ences Easter Term 1875 -Cfjurri ftt'Stori What evidences have we in the New Testament of the extent and organization of the Christian Church at the close of the Apostolic age Give brief sketch of the origin and character of the persecution of Nero What account does Pliny give of tbe character and practice of the early Christians in his province How did they then come under tbe penalties of the law Shew and explain tbe fact that some of tbe best of the Roman Emperors were persecutors of Christianity Give some account of tbe martyrdoms of Ignatius Polycarp and Cyprian What were the chief topics advanced in defence of Cnris- tianity by Justin Martyr and Tertullian Describe the different attitudes assumed towards heathen philosophy by tbe school of Alexandria and tbe school of Car- thage What was Gnosticism What were the chief points aimed at iu the final persecution of Diocletian How far is the term tbe Conversion of Constantine" correct one What was his policy towards Christianity and Paganism Shew how the Canon of the New Testament was formed What were the services of Eusebius of Caesarea in this respect
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