Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 594
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590 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE most of the best German and Italian authors had picked up considerable desultory information and had that mother-wit which so often in women and poets seems to render culture superfluous Her letters are full of spirit-not always strictly grammatical not irreproachable iu orthography but vigorous and vivacious After lengthened interview with her an enthusiast exclaimed Now do understand how Goethe has become the man he is It was the just boast of Schiller that in his country no prince had watched over the birth of poetry and that the rich language of Luther when driven from the schools of pedants and the palaces of kings found refuge among the people bitter plant which was taken from the sea-shore and transplanted into the garden was there changed into two distinct vegetables the red cabbage and the cauliflower Edward and Henry II ordered several forests in Wales and Ireland to be cut down and burnt in order to prevent the natives from harbouring in them and harassing their troops The reader cannot comprehend or enjoy the works of Milton unless his mind cooperates with that of the poet III Grammatical questions Every answer should be illustrated by examples Which nouns are always used in the singular although they express plurality of idea When adverbial expressions of time and place occur in the same sentence which is placed first How must the Infinitive be rendered in German when preceded by as and referring to the demonstrative sot
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