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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-589

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 585 Give short account of the proceedings of Parliament in 1621 and 1624 What was the age of Charles when he came to the Crown What was his previous training By whose advice was he chiefly influenced What were the causes of contention between the King and the Parliament from the beginning of the reign to the close of 1628 State briefly the clauses of the Petition of Right ho were chiefly concerned in its manipulation How far were the objections urged against it tenable on practical grounds Give brief account of Laud and of Wentworth 10 What causes led to the calling of the Long Parliament How long did it lasi What were its chief acts 11 Mention the battles gained by the Parliament and hy the King In what counties did the power of the contending parties severally lie What circumstances led to the rain of the King's cause 12 What measures were employed to secure the King's trial and condemnation On what grounds did his judges proceed to sentence -ffinaltii fctStorj 1649-1689 When was the Battle of Worcester fought Who were the combatants and on which side was the victory What were the relations between Cromwell and his last Parliament Give sketch of the changes in the government from Cromwell's death to the Restoration What were the Conventicle Act and the Five Mile Act Give dates What was the treaty of Dover Give history of the progress and failure of the Exclusion Bill What was the Declaration of Indulgence of James II
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