Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 566
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562 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Give the meaning and derivation of ohsonium noenum- prcestigiator- nundinalis- factiosus pollucibiliter- inostellaria stipendiuin 1- examussim horn us interpolo pultipl1a us What is the force of inter in interbibo-interviso-inter- stringo-interimo Mention any words borrowed by Plautus from Greek which were not sanctioned by later classical U3e Mention any peculiar constructions which occur in Plautus Give examples of the use of verbal substantive followed by the same case as the verb Scan the following lines and give short account of the peculiarities of the versification of Plautus Atque ille vero minus minusque impendio Velim te arbitrari med haec verba frater Nunc petit quam pollicetur inhiat aurum ut devoret Jampridem ecastor frigida non lavi magis luheuter Give the plot of the Mostellaria What are the distin- guishing faults and merits of Plautus as comic poet Translate At hercule apud hostes tanta modestia est ut non obsidionis ta dio non denique regni quicquam apud eos novatum sit non negata auxilia ab Etruscis irritaverint animos morietur enim extemplo quieunque erit seditionis auctor nec cuiquam dicere ea licebif qtue apud vos impune dic tur Fustuarium meretur qui signa relinquit aut praeddio decedit auctores signa relinquendi et deserendi castra non uni aut alteri militi sed universis exerci- tibus palam in contione audiuntur adeo quicquid tribunus plebi loquitur etsi prodendae patriae dissolvendaeque rei publicae est assne3tis quieti audire et dulcedine potestatis ejus capti quaelibet sub ea scelera latere sinitis XII -Hucritius Ot Jctmim Jiatura Catitus annals IV Translate explaining peculiarities in language or con- struction
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