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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-560

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556 general literature and scien'ce IX -jFor Hattti SjtramttcrS Not so the Borderer hred to war He knew the battle's din afar And joyed to hear it swell His peaceful day was slothful ease Nor harp nor pipe his ear could please Like the loud slogan yell On active steed with lance and blade The light-armed pricker plied his trade Let nobles fight for fame Let vas als follow where they lead Burghers to guard their townships bleed But war's the Borderer's game Their gain their glory their delight To sleep the day maraud the ght nSeen translations Translate Juppiter angusta vix totus stabat in asde Inqtie Jovis dextra fictile fulmen erat Frondibus ornabant quae nunc Capitolia gemmis Pascebatque suas ipse senator oves Nec pudor in stipula placidam cepisse quietem Et fcenum capiti supposuisse fuit Jura dabat populis posito modo prsetor aratro Et levis argenti lamina crimen erat At postquam fortuna loci caput extulit hujus Et tetigit suminos vertiee lioma deos Creverunt et opes et opum furiosa cnpido Et cum possideant plurima plura petunt Quasrere ut absumant absumpta requirere certant Atque ipsae vitiis sunt alimenta vices Sic quibus intumuit suffusa venter ab unda Quo plus sunt potae plus sitiuntur aquae In nretio pretium nunc est dat census honores Census amicitias pauper ubique jacet
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