Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 534
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f 30 INGLIS SCHOLARSHIPS The defects and excellences in his treatment of the subject His claims to originality in the conception and manage- ment of his subject His style III 9Rctgn of CijarkS to tlje raising of tlje Sing's tanBart What were the main points at issue between the Crown and the House of Commons in the first two Parliaments of Charles's reign Give short account of the Expedition to ΕΙιέ and of the causes which led to it What were the concessions demanded in the Petition of Right Give short account of the Session of 1629 showing what were the causes which led to breach between the Crown and the Commons What were the principal points in Laud's ecclesiastical policy which were likely to cause irritation What legal proceedings are connected with the names of Alexander Leighton William Prvnne and John Hampden Give an account of Wentworth's administration in Ireland Give sketch of the commotions in Scotland from 1637 to the meeting of the Long Parliament Distinguish between an Impeachment and Bill of At- tainder illustrating from the proceedings against the Earl of Strafford 10 What were the chief Acts of Parliament passed in the beginning of the Long Parliament affecting the King's civil authority 11 What was the Grand Remonstrance 12 What was the part taken by Lord Falkland in the Long Parliament IV -Cije Cijirtn geatS' Bar Give sketch of the Bohemian Revolution down to the election of Frederick
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