Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 526
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522 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Analyse the prophecies of zekiel and give his personal history Give the arguments for and against the genuineness of Daniel What is his place in the Canon How are the Psalms arranged in Hebrew Explain Selah Songs of Degrees Mich tam Maschil Who are the writers of the Psalms Which of the Psalms are Messianic and what do you understand by this Describe the Book of Proverbs How is it referred to in the New Testament What meanings have been assigned to tlie Hebrew name of Ecclesiastes What is the general scope of the hook 10 What is the argument of the Book of Job What is the defect in its existing form how mav this be rectified What proof have we as to its date and authorship Argue this ques- tion 11 Give some account of Canticles III SittS of tije 2lp0£5tlc VI-XV atiK £ί 5φ11- Όοή'ά £ m10pSti The friendship of St Paul and Barnabas Vv hat facts of external history are connected with ibe mention of the deputy of Cyprus with Herod Agrippa with the collection for the saints The evidential value of the Acts of the Apostles The occasion proceedings and result of the first Council of the Church Compare St Paul's treatment of the same questions at later date am made all things to all men How far does the narrative of the Acts illustrate this assertion State and explain the chief alleged discrepancies in the Gospel narrative of Our Lord's Passion Compare the grounds of accusation against Our Lord in the trial before the Sanhedrim and before Pilate and trace the proceedings fully in each case
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