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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-374

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370 the school Service the Military Academies and for Mercantile Pur- suits The regular course of instruction comprises Divinity Latin German and French English Literature and History Geography Physical Science Mathematics and Commercial Arithmetic Geometrical Freehand and Landscape Draw- ing the latter in Pencil and Water Colour Perspective Architectural Tinting and Drawing from models in chalk The Class for Geometrical Drawing is open for all hoys who have competent knowledge of Euclid and Decimal Fract'ons Class is open for all boys who desire special prepara- tion for Commercial lite No boy can enter this Class with out the direct sanction of the Head Master These arrangements include the classes of preparation for Cooper's Hill Woolwich London University Matricula- tion and other Examinations as well as tbe special class of Commercial Instruction II The Middle School is intended to prepare for tbe Upper School Each Class is divided into two Sections learning Greek or German the one preparing for the Classical the other for the Modern Department The regular course of instruction comprises Divinity Latin Greek German F'rench English and Mathematics Boys in the Middle School attend Elementary Lectures on Natural Science and not only see experiments performed but are required to write an account of each Lecture Book-keeping is taught and special attention is paid to German French Writing and Arithmetic All the boys in the Middle School learn Drawing either Landscape or Geometrical
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