Calendar: 1875-1876 Page 236
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232 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Chemistry -Miller's Inorganic Chemistry in Long- man's Series of Text Books on Science Natural Philosophy -Deschanel's Natural Philosophy translated by Prof Everett Part and Part IV 10 Botany -Bentley's Manual of Botany third edition to page 203 together with chapter on the General Principles of Classification and Diagnosis of the following natural orders -Ranunculaceae Rosaceae Composite Labiatae Scro- phulariaceae and Liliacese Class II For the Encouragement of Resident Medical Students One Scholarship is awarded at the close of each Summer Session of the value of Ā£25 per annum to be held for two years subject to the provisions hereafter stated This Scholarship is open to such Matriculated Students of the third year as have for 18 months preceding the end of their third Winter Session resided either within the walls of the College or with member of the Medical Staff authorized by the Council to receive Medical Students into his house as Boarders The Divinity part of the Examination will take place on Tuesday Oct 1875 and the Medical Examination will begin on Monday March 20 1876 The names of all Can- didates must be sent in writing to the Dean of the Medical Department accompanied by tbe necessary Certificates before four o'clock on Saturday October after which hour no name can be received The Examination for 1875-6 will be in the following subjects Divinity 100 marks Old Testament -The Books of Samuel and Kings New Testament -The Epistles to the Corinthians Gala- tians and Romans Prayer-Book -The Morning and Evening Services
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