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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-123

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 119 IX A&ofortl $rofessorsl ips -Professorship of the Chinese Language and Literature This Professorship was founded by means of Subscriptions given by Sir Staunton Bart and others in the year 1856 for the purpose of encouraging the study in this country of the Language and Literature of China The Professorship is held for Five Years II -Tooke Professorship of Economic Science and Statistics Founded in 1859 in honour of the personal character of and the eminent services rendered to Science by the late Thomas Tooke Esa of Spring Gardens Charing Cross who died on tlie 26M of Ftbmary 1858 The duties attaching to this Chair are given in the following extract from the Deed of Settlement That the Tooke Professor shall be required to deliver in each year beginning the 1st day of April and ending March 31 at such times as may be arranged by the Council of King's College at least Twenty Lectures and that in order to promote the popular diffusion of knowledge of Economic Science at least Ten of these Lectures shall take place in the evening so as to admit of the attendance of young men and others engaged in business during the day and any non-compliance with this condition shall operate in an immediate forfeiture of the Professor- ship and the Council shall adopt such measures as may from time to time be found necessary to secure due discharge of the duties imposed by this Heso- lution upon the Professor for the time being
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