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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-120

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11 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Must also obtain Certificate of competent know- ledge in at least three of the subjects taught in the Classical Division and at least four of the subjects taught in the Modern Division of which subjects Classics or Mathematics shall be one Prize in the Lower Division or Divisions of any subject will be considered as only equivalent to Certificate of Honour IV Must apply in writing to the Dean of the Department not later than June Lin each year stating the claims and qualifications which he then possesses -Students of this Department who have obtained the Diploma of an Associate are in addition to the usual privi- leges of Associates see page 456 entitled to enter the Theological Department without examination and at lower fees than are paid by other Students See Theol Dep Sec- tion II Class and Section VII Clause II VI An Associate cannot be elected Scholar or obtain Prize in the Department in which he gained his Associate- ship VII FEES The Fees for Matriculated Students amount to 121 12 per term together with £4 5s 6d for entrance fees -The terminal fees are reduced to £10 10s in the case of boys who come up into this Department after January 1875 trom King's College School provided they have attended at least five terms in the School The terminal fees are to be paid and the usual card of admission taken out upon the first day of each term The Principal requests each Student of this Department on entering his second term to contribute the sum of Is towards the expense of the restoration of the College Chapel The College Cap and Gown which are worn by all Matricu-
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