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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1875-1876-102

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Names must be sent to the Secretary seven days previous to the date fixed for the examination No Prize will be given except for absolute merit Names of Prizemen 1864 Hammond Joseph Fn Wensley Edward Barnettj 1865 West William 1866 Moon Charles 1867 Flecker Eliezer 1868 Rusz William David 1869 Watkins Henry William 1870 Smith Wharton Buchanan 1871 Greaves James 1872 Boag Frederick 1873 McLeod Ronald Fisher Shears Edward 1874 Shears Edward Russell Archibald James Holme 1875 Russell Archibald James Holme XIV WORDSWORTH PRIZE The Lord Bishop of Lincoln kindly gives to this depart- ment in each year copy of his Greek Testament as Prize This Prize will be awarded to the Student who passes the best examination in the Principal's lectures on Dogmatic Theology at the close of the Easter Term XV LEITNER PRIZE An Annual Prize of five pounds is given by Leitner Esq Ph one of the Honorary Fellows of the College "in memory of the scholarship and philanthropic labours of the late Leitner Esq for an "Essay on Messianic
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