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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-79

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 77 London as Diocesan and with the approval of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury as Visitor Measures are taken for providing tbe Students with the opportunity of acting as Assistants to the Chaplain of King's College Hospital II GENERAL RULES OF ADMISSION The following persons are admitted Students of this Department -- Class -All persons already in Deacons' Orders desirous of preparing themselves as Candidates for Priests' Orders and Graduates in Arts of all British Universities Class -All Students of King's College London who having passed the necessary period and fulfilled the required conditions in the Department of General Literature and Science shall have received the Diploma of an Associate Class -All persons of the age of 21 who after having been examined and reported as eligible by the Principal shall obtain if required to do so the recommendation of Bishop Students are admitted in October January and April of each year but entry in October or January is strongly re- commended and of these times the former is to be preferred Seven days before the entrance examination they must send in to the Principal an application for admission stating their age and other circumstances and adding Certificate of good moral and religious character from the Clergyman of their parish or of the parish in which they have last resided as well as the names of one or more friends to whom the Candidate is well known as referees These requirements are set forth in printed form to be obtained from the Secretary Special notice must be given at the same time of candi- dature for the Studentships see Section IX
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