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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-71

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69 SECOND APPEAL The foregoing appeal made by the Council in 1871 was followed up by Public Meeting in May 1872 under the presidency of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury at which the claims of the College as place of Religious Education were advocated by the Right Hon Glad- stone the Bishops of Peterborough and Gloucester and Bristol Lord Lyttelton Mr Ε Β Denison and Mr Η Smith It has produced as will be seen sum of £8 000 of which nearly one-half is liberally sub- scribed by members of the Council themselves This result has already been of great relief and value to the College But it is not adequate to secure completely the very important objects originally contemplated-the release of the College from debt due to causes for which it was in no sense re- sponsible and the gradual accumulation of such surplus as may free it from pecuniary pressure and enable it to meet the extraordinary requirements which are sure to present themselves in the conduct of great Educational Institution It was therefore with much gratification and thankfulness that the Principal received early in 1873 the promise of munificent donation of £1 000 from the Rev Wigram the soti of the late Treasurer of the College and member of family who have been among its most liberal supporters on condition that an additional sum of £3 000 should be raised before the end of 1874 so as to complete the undertaking thus auspiciously begun The Staff of the College fully appreciating the past exertions and liberality of the Council and feeling the great importance of the occasion have sub- scribed among themselves sum of nearly £700 to meet the donation and further sum of about £l 300 has been received from other friends of the College It only remains therefore to raise further sum of £1 000 and the Principal and Academical Staff earnestly and confi-
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