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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-612

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Page content

512 INDEX page Students' Boxes for Gowns ftc 428 Studentships Theol Dep 89 Surgeons College of 264 Surgery- Lectures 188 Fees 203 Hours of Attendance 207 Surveying and vellin1r See Land Surveying Tamil and Telugu- Fees 122 Hours of Attendance 123 Tanner Prize- Endowment 62 Regulations 214 Prizemen 248 Theological Department- Professors' Names 76 Instruction given 76 Rules of Admission 77 Rules as to Graduates 78 Examinations Certificates 78 Books recommended 81 Terms and Fees 86 Time Table 88 Studentships 89 Associateship 89 Hoods 90 Greek Testament Prize 90 Hebrew and Old Test Prize 91 Leitner Prize 91 Candidates for Admission 92 Theological Society 93 Names of those who passed last year 93 Names of Students 94 Names of Cand forAdmission 95 Theological Society- Rules 93 Todd Prize- Endowment 213 Names of Prizemen 244 Tooke Professorship- Endowment 61 Regulations 112 page Treasurer of the College 19 Trench Greek Testament Prize- Endowment 61 Rules Names of Prizemen 90 University of London 257 University Distinctions- Oxford 438 Cambridge 439 London 440 Vocal Music- Fees Hours of Attendance 88 Warneford Prizes- Endowment 60 Rules 212 List of Prizemen 244 Warneford Scholarships- Endowment 61 Rules 214 List of Scholars 245 Whitworth Scholars 448 Workshop Morning Class- Instruction Regulations Fees Hours of Attendance 153 155 160 102 Workshop Evening Class- Instruction 327 Fees 328 Hours 328 Worsley Scholarships- Endowment 60 Regulations 114 List of Scholars 124 Writing Evening Class- Instruction 292 Fees 314 Hours of Attendance 316 Zoology See Com parat ν Anatomy IL CLAY SON'S ant TAYLOR PRINTERS bread STREET Ul
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