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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-60

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58 ANNUAL REPORT William Henry Hoar Hudson Formerly Student Second Wrangler in 1861 Fellow and Lecturer of St John's College Cambridge Richard Antony Proctor Formerly Student Wrangler 1860 Hon Sec of the Royal Astronomical Society Author of "The Sun Other Worlds than Ours &c Henry Wace Formerly Student Second Class in Classics 1860 now Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn James Rumsey Formerly Pupil and Student Third Class in Classics 1846 now Classical Tutor of Magdalen Hall Oxford Harrison Hayter Formerly Student and afterwards an Associate The only change in the Council is produced by the retire- ment of the Right Rev Bishop Sumner one of the oldest supporters and friends of the College who after giving his services on the Council since 1834 is now unfortunately pre- vented by increasing age and infirmity from attending its meetings The name of the Rev William Ince an Honorary Fellow of the College and Sub-Rector of Exeter College Oxford will be proposed for election in the room of Bishop Sumner The accounts of the past year show that the College has surplus on the working of the Institution of Ā£592 14s 5d The Council trust that this will be considered by the Court as satisfactory for-while they feel the extreme difficulty of conducting so large an Institution without the aid of some Endowment especially as it has to compete with Endowed foundations and institutions subsidized by the government and while they earnestly hope that the want may be supplied by some of those liberal donations and legacies which are freely given to works of certainly not superior usefulness- they still believe that the financial position of the College is thoroughly sound and that it only needs the clearing off of the debt now remaining to place it above all serious difficulty In concluding their Report they have therefore as they
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