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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-598

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598 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT State your opinions unreservedly upon the results which have ensued and exemplify and support them by reference to indi- vidual cases III -iHrttttnr Illustrate your answers by reference to cases which have oc- curved in the Hospital during the past Winter Session Mention the chief causes of atrophic softening of the brain and describe the appearances presented by the softened brain tissue Describe the symptoms physical signs and consequences of aneurism of the arch of the aorta Mention the chief causes of jaundice and the diagnostic signs of each Mention the chief forms of laryngitis acute and chronic and describe the treatment of acute catarrhal laryngitis IV -Case for Commentari tit fHfiiiciiu Captain in the Navy aged 45 had suffered frequently from malarious tropical fevers During the years 1872 and 1873 he bad occasional rigors and feverishness especially after exposure to cold There was uneasiness sometimes amounting to pain in the region of the liver In the early part cf Sept 1&73 there was an increase of pain in the hepatic region 'with cough and some dyspnoea Then suddenly there came on copious ex- pectoration of blood-tinged pus The expectoration continued and on the 10th cf October the margin of the liver was found to extend to midway between the ribs and the navel the surface presenting rounded prominence There was ciulness on per- cussion over the lower two thirds of the lower lobe of the right lung and over the same space diffused blowing expiration with large crepitation Elsewhere the percussion and respiratory sounds were normal There was still copious sanguineous muco-purulent expectoration The copious expectoration con- tinued and the physical signs remained the same the patient became gradually weaker with rapid feeble pulse hurried
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