Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 568
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568 APPLIED SCIENCES IV 3Bepannunt of tfte gpplieif Sciences Easter Term 1874 i-J2eto Ctgtamtnt What is tbe evidence for the authorship and date of the Acts of the Apostles What period does it cover and what are its chief chronological landmarks How far is it complete history Into what periods may its narrative he divided and what Epistles illustrate each Describe the nature and significance of the Pentecostal Gift of Tongues From what other part of the New Testament may these be illustrated What was the nature of the earliest Christian preaching Illustrate your answer by references Describe the various forms of persecution which the Church underwent both from Jews and Gentiles as recorded in the Acts In what respects is the Epistle of St James unique in the New Testament What is clearly its main object Note any remarkable passages in it Prove from the accusations made against St Stephen and his defence that his preaching marked distinct epoch in the progress of the Gospel and the Church Show how the character early history and conversion ot St Paul especially fitted him to be the Evangelist of the world Mark clearly the various steps in the admission of the Gentiles to the Church What was the critical importance of the Council at Jerusalem and what the nature and permanence of its decrees 10 Compare St Paul's sermons at Antioch in Pisidia Lystra and Athens as illustrating his method of preaching 11 Shew from his First Epistle why St Peter has been called "the Apostle of Hope and compare that Epistle with the Epistles of St James and St Paul
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