Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 566
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Page content
5GG general literature and science Skmalt untcrwerfen 3Φ crfcnne bcine rrrfcbaft an mic c8 ίίφ jiemt ϊφ rocrbe bit gcfyo rn in alien rr niinftigen Stitgcn nie abcr roenn beinc SScfcljle unucr niinftig jlnb 5Rcin olm bag ifl tin Streit bei bem fcin ΪΝ1 φ ctma gewinnt τφ abc ηιίφ inrcijjen laJTen bin ctroa& argcr geworben abcr jefet fefjrt mcinc 9lulje juriicf 8ttn Gmbc if c8 efcenfo cigenftnnig GrtmaS fyartndifig jn ucrtangen al8 fyartndcfig ju toerweigern Φαδ 9ίαφ geben tfntt wef unb bag nennt man gern Styrgcfiitjl £u wirfjl mir Stgcnftnn oor unb mit mcWjcin ρφϋΡ felfcfl gibfl ju bag c3 cine Sfjotfjcu ifl toon mir jene ciufdltigcn SBortc ju Dcrlangen unb boφ bcfle fi bu auf biefer 0rf ett δ wiitbe ηιίφ enlttmrbtgen irollte ίφ ΐϊίΐΤπιίΙίφ eine iiljorfjett bege en unb boφ er laugfl bu ent ieben biefe ntrcurbtgung £ dtte ίφ geafynt bag bie 5αφε fo rceit fiifiren iriirbe ίφ fjdtte e6 gieicf SlnfangS αΐβ Sd erj genommen unb feinen SSillen getfian jefet fann ίφ πιφί meijr XII cologt Define the terms Escarpment Talus Basset Edge and Outlier Arrange the following formations in their true order Miocene Laurentian Red Crag Portland Sand Cornbrash Trias Permian Oxford Clay Devonian and Cambrian On what evidence is the base of the Eocene considered to be far more modern than the summit of the Cretaceous Is the Equatorial Pacific Ocean rising or sinking area Place Eozoon Oldhamia Paludina Micraster and Trilo- bites in their proper sub-kingdoms and mention the strata of which they are characteristic
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