Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 565
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 565 that city and whole regiment of volunteers immediately got under arms and marched to the quarter iu which Sir Sidney Smith lived Next morning my younger brother and schoolfellow of my own age called formally upon the naval bero III Grammatical Questions In what number must the verb be used when the subject of clause is collective in tbe singular Give examples and state exceptions How would you express passive clauses the transitive verbs of which govern not only direct object in the accusative but at the same time an indirect object in the dative And how would you translate He has been told have been promised assistance In which instance is the reflective form frequently employed iu German for the passive voice used iu Eug- lish Give examples In what sense can the verbs f&IWftt mogctt and btirfen be used besides in their primary significations 1- Give examples What signification is imparted to verbs by means of the prefixes be er jur cr mi and miter -Illustrate your answer by two or three examples for each prefix IV Translate into English Dufonntefi mir cine 53ittc ucrmcigern -G banbelt ftdj nut barum baf bu mcine SMtte etfuUjl -2 Unrcdjt cine folcfje SMttc ju tfyun -Dag mag fcin allcin bu tbuft Unrcd ftc mir abjufcfylagcn 3Φ wcrbe mcinc 9ted te crt ctbigen biS auf bet lefetcn 5itf cmjug nic merbe id ιηίφ voE uuge11 nie roi cr
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