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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-524

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524 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE our tempers to each other and at the moment when had the prospect of her sharing my better days IV -Jfor Latin EItgtacS The shades of eve come slowly down The woods are wrapt in deeper brown The owl awakens from her dell The fox is heard upon the fell Enough remains of glimmering light To guide the wanderer's steps aright Yet not enough from far to show His figure to the watchful foe With cautious steps and ear awake He climbs the crag and threads the brake And not the summer solstice there Temper'd the midnight mountain air But every breeze that swept the wold Benumb'd his drenched limbs with cold -jFotr rrck vo£t The Athenians reproached Pericles because being general he did not lead them out against the enemy Themistocles when young used to say that tbe trophy of Miltiades prevented him from sleeping Philip was in fear lest the affairs should escape him If there were city of good men it would be an object of contention π ριμάχητον to avoid rule as now it is to rule will not say my lords that these men 113ve brought pre- meditated ruin on their country willjnot suppose that they foresaw what has since happened but do contend that their guilt will not even suppose it guilt but their want of wisdom their incapacity their temerity in depending on their own judg- ment or their base compliance with tbe orders and dictates of others perhaps caused by the influence of one or two individuals have rendered them totally unworthy of the confidence of the people at large of whose rights they are the constitutional
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