Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 520
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520 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 10 Point out some of the more popular passages in these plays 11 Show the consistency of the Anthony of "Julius Caesar" with the Anthony of Anthony and Cleopatra 12 How are we to understand the character of Brutus as ex- hibited by Shakespeare III Department of General Literature an& Science Easter Term 1874 2Bibtnit1 ίμ Urautr 3300h Shew that the Apostles' Creed sets its seal on the chief Articles of Natural Religion Shew also that its distinctively Christian doctrine may be summed up in the right understanding of the words Jesus Christ Compare its teaching on this subject with that of the Nicene Creed Define "the Church Explain how far the epithets given to it in the Creed are actually applicable and show that the last four Articles of the Creed describe its privi- leges What is known of the history date and authorship of the "Athanasian Creed' In what respects does it differ from the other two On what principle are the Collects Epistles and Gospels selected What points of distinction are observable be- tween the Ancient and Modern Collects What is the origin of the various Collects in the Morning Service Explain the meaning and purpose of the Anthem
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