Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 514
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514 THEOLOGICAL DF PAIiTMEXT doctrine are most distinctly brought out in the great Ancient Liturgies What is the essential meaning of the term "Real Presence" State clearly the authoritative teaching of the Church of England thereupon Show that Art XXIX is designed to be mere corollary to Art XXVIII Examine critically the meaning of the phrase ένοχο τοΰ σώματος καϊ τον αίματος τον Κυρίου Write short Essay on the question of the application of the term Sacrifice to the Holy Eucharist examining especially the language of the Church of England on the subject Trace historically the growth of Compulsory Celibacy of the Clergy in the Western Church What are the advantages alid disadvantages of celibacy in itself in relation to the work of the Ministry On what grounds and under what limitations is the Inde- pendence of National Churches to be maintained Apply this principle to the power of ordaining and varying rites and ceremonies Examine the historical basis of the statement in the Preface to the Ordinal as to the threefold Ministry of the Church State and criticize the objections which have been made to our words of Ordination of Priests 10 What are the difficulties in the present day in realizing the idea contained in the Royal Supremacy 11 What were the chief stages of growth of the Papal Supremacy On what grounds is it actually defended at the present moment 12 By what considerations is the lawfulness of Capital Punish- ment and of Military Service to be maintained 13 In what various forms does the principle of Community of Goods appear and by what arguments does it defend itself Examine the teaching of the New Testament thereupon VI -2 iturs What are the principal festivals which form the cycle of immoveable feasts and what of moveable Whence did it
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