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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-495

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SCHOOLS IN UNION 493 jforcst CSrammar £cf 001 WALTHAMSTOW FOUNDED 1834 Head Master Rsv Barlow Guy Lincoln College Oxford Second Master Assistant Masters Classics ahd Mathematics M0KTF0nn Symm Esq Clerc Esq Holt Esq Rev Wrioht VV Hughes Jones Esq prencll Duhart-Fauvet GerLn '' Herr Clerce Drawing Mapph'j Fortification Arthur Stark Esq Dr Barry Music The School offers an Education similar to that of our Public Schools combined with carefulattention to individual requirements and affords preparation for the Universities for the several Professions for the Naval Military and Civil Services and for the higher departments of Mercantile Life There is Modern Side The Head Master receives Pupils into his house The charge of 70 guineas per annum covers all expenses of Board and instruction in Classics Mathematics History English French Elementary Drawing Vocal Music and Drilling There is School Chapel licensed by the Bishop who holds Confirmation annually in it The stated Vacations are four weeks at Christmas three at Easter and six from the 25th of July There are Three Exhibitions of 20 guineas a-year each and Three Choral Scholarships of 30 guineas a-year each also Scholarship of £40 per annum to any College in Oxford or Cambridge
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