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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-40

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

54 ANNUAL report Crompton gow Chase Ε Finch Τ Hamblin Iolliffe Fiffe Ε Τ Jude Η Scallon Williams Wix Ν Tirard Deacon Fenner Ardaseer Castle Lendon Lyne Smith Wilson Neale BL Caspersz 'C Ρ Crisp Τ Hall Τ Κ ees West Macdonald il II -Cam bridge Sizarship at St John's and Open Mathematical Scholarship Trinity Foundation Scholarship Prize for Latin Lyrics Prize for Greek Testament First Class aud Prize at May Examination Christ's First Classical Prize at College Ex- amination College Prizes for Latin Prose and Latin and Greek Verse Caius Foundation Scholarship Second College Prize for Mathematics Christ's Increased Mathematical Scholarship College Prize for Mathematics Trinity Second Class in the Classical Tripos Queen's Fortieth Wrangler Christ's Increased Mathematical Scholarship College Prize for Mathematics King's "Pawley" Prize for Divinity "Glynn" Prize for Classics and Divinity Queen's Twenty-seventh Wrangler King's First Class in Classical Honours III -Lniveraity of London Honours in Zoology Prel Sc Honours in Zoology First Sc Honours at Matriculation July 1873 First Class at Matriculation July 1873 Honours at Matriculation Jan 1874 First Class at Matriculation Jan 1874
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