Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 397
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the school ύ VI One for English Given by the Council Subjects for 1875 Scott's "Lay of the Last Minstrel Canto and ii Phillpott's Edition Kivingtons Learn by heart Canto Geography of Scotland An Essay on given subject to be written in School XXII TERMINAL PRIZES for class work One Prize is awarded every Term to the first Boy in each Class in the three Divisions of the School Classical Modern and Lower These Prizes which are awarded not for merit in indi- vidual subjects but for good conduct and general proficiency in all the subjects taught in the Class exclusive of German French and Mathematics are given at the Terminal distribu- tions No boy is eligible for Terminal Class Prize in his First Term or who fails to pass satisfactory examination in his proper Division of Mathematics and Arithmetic No boy can obtain Class Prize twice in the same Class except in the Upper Sixth and in the Upper Sixth not twice in the same Academical Year for mathematics and arithmetic Prizes are awarded each Term to the first boy in each Mathematical Class in the Schools
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