Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 391
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Page content
THE SCHOOL 3S9 Subjects for 1875 The Grammar History and Etymology of the Lan- guage Prose Composition Chaucer The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales and The Knight's Tale Selections from Old English Extracts" Morris and Skeat Later English Authors and English History- One Prize open to the Giyen fa fte Hea Classical Division One Prize open to the Giyen Haleg £ Modern Division Subjects for 1875 Shakspeare's Hamlet and Macbeth Bacon "Advancement of Learning The History of Elizabethan Literature English History from the accession of James to the death of William III MATHEMATICS AND ARITHMETIC Mathematics- Two Exhibitions of £5 each in books ι י Given by Freake Esq open to both Divi- sions One Prize open to the Classical Division Glven the Counc11 One Prize open to the ן iv י Given by the Council Modern Division Arithmetic- One Prize Divisions open to both Giyen T110mas Esq ions
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