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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-37

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ANNUAL REPORT 61 Curriculum required by tbe Royal College of Surgeons of England for their Dental Diploma instead of as formerly being oblised to proceed to special Institutions for their Course of Dentistry These arrangements have been generally recognised by the College of Surgeons and the Council anticipate that this Special Course of Dentistry will in future years bring satisfactory increase to the number of Students in tbe Medical Department Mr Samuel Hamilton Cart- wri' 'ht formerly Student of this College and now Lecturer on Dental Disease at the London School of Dental Surgery has been elected to the office of Assistant Dental Surgeon The Council much regret that they are not yet able to announce that suitable Physiological Laboratory has been erected It will however be commenced almost immediately The Council are fully aware of its importance to the Medical School and confidently expect great advantage from this addition to its educational machinery The vacancy occasioned in the Chair of Anatomy by the lamented death of Professor Partridge referred to in the last Report has been filled by the appointment of Dr Curnow former highly distinguished Suident of the College and graduate of the University of London who had most ably and successfully discharged for some years the laborious duties of Demonstrator of Anatomy It is source of much satis- faction to the Council to have been thus able to promote former student of the College to so important and respon- sible an appointment The Council have recently received with much regret the resignation of Dr Kelly on occasion of his appointment to an office under the Board of Health Dr Kelly has filled for several years with great credit to himself and advantage to the College and Hospital the appointments of Assistant Physician and Pathological Registrar to King's College Hospital and Curator of the Museum to King's College They have had much pleasure in appointing to the post of Assistant Physician Dr Rutherford Professor of Physiology and to the Curatorship Dr Urban Pritchard Demonstrator of Physiology
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