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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-364

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Page content

362 THE SCHOOL Greek or German Grammar and Exercises French Grammar Reading Book and Exercises History of the British Empire Geography Poetry Maps and reports of Lectures on Natural Science Arithmetic and Bookkeeping lii Lower Third Class -V Reynell New Testament History and the Church Cate- chism Latin Accidence Syntax Reader and Caesar Greek or German Grammar and Exercises French Grammar Reading Book and Exercises History of the British Empire Geography Poetry Maps andreportsof Lectures on NnturalScience Arithmetic and Bookkeeping iv Middle Third Class -Rev Belcher New Testament History and the Church Cate- Catechism Latin Accidence Syntax Latin Exercises Prosody Ctesar and Ovid Analecta Grseca Greek Grammar and Exercises or German Reading Book Grammar and Exercises French Grammar Reading Book and Exercises Roman History Geography Maps Themes and reports of Lectures on Natural Science Mathematics and Bookkeeping where required Upper Third Class -E Brooksmitb Larger Old Testament History and the Church Catechism Latin Accidence Syntax Prosody Caesar Ovid Livy and Latin Exercises Analecta Grceca Greek Grammar and Exercises or German Reading Book Grammar and Exercises French Grammar Reading Book and Exercises
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