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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-36

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50 annual report Brittle AssistantCivilEngineerunderDr Siemenj Jacob Obtained Appointments as Electricians under Rogers Dr Siemens Mr Jacob is now engaged as Head of tbe Electrical Staff in laying the Platino-Brazilian Submarine Cable The Department has lately been asked to supply several more etndents for Telegraphic Engineering Work -In the Medical Department tbe number of Students has increased since last year from 150 to 163 and this is more especially satisfactory as it is mainly owing to the increase of new entries This number is the highest that has been reached for twelve years and it is also gratifying to notice that this increase in the number of students is in every respect accompanied with satisfactory state of the Department The following are the chief Honours gained by Students of this Department during the past year at the University of London At the First Examination Ernest William White obtained the Gold Medal in Anatomy and Honours in Physiology At the Second Examination John Alexander Cockrurn obtained First Class Honours in Medicine and Forensic Medicine and Second Class Honours in Obstetric Medicine Gerald Romford First Class Honours in Obstetric Medicine and RicnARD PetcH Second Class Honours in Obstetric Medicine On the recommendation of the Medical Board the Council have decided to increase the efficiency of the Medical Depart- ment by the appointment of an Assistant Dental Surgeon who will also be required to give an Annual Course of Lectures on Dental Mechanics Efficient arrangements have been made so that Students of this Department who desire to qualify in Dental Surgery may now complete the
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