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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-321

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EVENING CLASSES 319 Dynamics Definitions The Laws of Motion Motion of Falling Bodies-Centrifugal Force Hydrostatics Definitions and Principles-Equilibrium of Floating and Suspended Bodies-Specific Gravities Methods of determining them- Hydrostatical Instruments The Principlesdiscusaed in the Lectures will he illustrated by Experiments and Numerical Examples FRENCH- Class -Syntax-Composition-Heading Professor Mariette Class II -Grammar-Idioms-Heading Mons Sri tves ard ARITHMETIC Thomas COMPARATIVE ANATOOMY and ZOOLOGY Professor Garrod See Winter Syllabus Friday LATIN- Class -Sallust Catiline's Conspiracy 1G Latin Composition optional Class II -Henry's First Latin Book-Cor- nelius Nepos ExercisesljoHN Lamb Bradley's -Grammar OFFICIAL HAND-WRITING as required hy the Civil Service Commissioners B0MAS U11EE" Most of these Classes have special reference to the and Matriculation Examination at the University of London The hour of Meeting will be 30 each Class ill meet once in the week and will last one hour and half The Fee for each separate subject will be Is for Four Classes 10s for Five Classes 41 4s Prizes and Certificates At the close of every Winter Session Examinations are held in each subject Prizes and Certificates of Honour and Merit are then awarded Prize will be given by Cunningham Esq to that one of the Associates of the current year who at the
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