Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 316
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314 evening classes batim reporting The system taught is Phonography which is based upon the principles of representing spoken sounds by specific signs and like sounds by like signs practical knowledge of this system is easily and rapidly acquired The Class Books are the Phonographic Teacher and Manual 32 ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS If any number of Gentlemen not less than Ten shall wish for instruction in any other subject arrangements will be made if possible to meet their wishes VI Fees and Regulations as to Admission The following are the Fees for the Winter Session For any single Course £ lls 6d with the ex- ceptions of Divinity and Practical Chemistry Every Non-Matriculated Student also pays 3s in the Winter Session towards the expense of keeping up the College Library The Divinity" Class is free to all Students attend- ing any other Class and 10 6d is the fee when no other Class is attended For Practical Chemistry £2 2s for the Course For Four Classes £ for Five Classes £6 lls 3d In either case 10 6d extra if Practical Chemistry is included II Students of this Department who are attending at least two classes have the privilege of becoming "Matri- culated Students of King's College London by payment of an additional fee of £2 12s
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